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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
DeMint Statement on the Death of Jesse Helms
July 4, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement on the death of former U.S. Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina.

“Jesse Helms spent his life fighting for liberty and freedom, and his fearless courage to stand on principle inspired a generation of conservatives. He was a pivotal leader in helping win the Cold War, a tireless defender of the unborn, and a reformer who held the United Nations accountable.”

“Jesse Helms will always be remembered alongside Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater as a hero to conservatives. As we celebrate America’s independence, we also mourn the loss of a great patriot.”

Senator DeMint is chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, which was founded by Jesse Helms in 1974. Helms and a handful of other conservatives created the Steering Committee to provide a forum for senators to discuss and promote conservative policies. He served as Steering Committee Chairman during the 1980s, and played a key leadership role until his retirement from the Senate in 2003.  


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July 2008  
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26th -  Bailout Crosses the Line Between Freedom and Socialism (Press Release)
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16th -  DeMint: End Fannie & Freddie Lobbying (Press Release)
15th -  Senate Will Vote on Prohibiting Funds for Coercive Abortions in China (Press Release)
14th -  DeMint: Congress Should Lift Drilling Ban Before August Break (Press Release)
11th -  DeMint Statement on PEPFAR and Housing Bills (Press Release)
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9th -  DeMint Announces PEPFAR Amendments (Press Release)
4th -  current Press Release
1st -  Department of Education Awards More Than $2.5 Million to South Carolina High Schools (Press Release)