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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
General provisions. - 1902.36

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1902
• Part Title: State Plans for the Development and Enforcement of State Standards
• Subpart: D
• Subpart Title: Procedures for Determinations Under Section 18(e) of the Act
• Standard Number: 1902.36
• Title: General provisions.


In making his evaluation of the actual operations of a State's plan for the purposes of an 18(e) determination, the Assistant Secretary shall consider all relevant data which will aid him in making an effective determination. In his evaluation he shall consider whether the requirements of section 18(c) of the Act and the criteria for State plans outlined in subpart B of this part as well as those in §1902.37 are being applied in actual operations for a reasonable period of time in a manner which warrants the termination of concurrent Federal enforcement authority and standards in issues covered under the plan.


The Assistant Secretary's evaluation for an 18(e) determination will be addressed to consideration of whether the criteria and indices in §1902.37(a) are being applied by the State in such a manner as to render its program in operation at least as effective as operations under the Federal program. In considering the question of such application the Assistant Secretary shall also consider the factors provided under §1902.37(b). The Assistant Secretary's evaluation may include such other information on the application of the criteria and indices in §1902.37 such as information developed from comments received from the public and the results of any hearings which may have been held under §1902.40 concerning the proposed 18(e) determination.

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