BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Trade Events for Canadian Companies

Below is a list of trade missions and events organized or sponsored by the U.S. Commercial Service aimed at developing partnerships between U.S. exporters and Canadian buyers.

Canadian companies can get more information on these events here and register for the events that they are interested in.

                        UPCOMING EVENTS 2008       
                            Especially featured:
      21-25 - Canadian Delegation to MinEXPO 2008
  22 - U.S.-Canada ICT Partnering Seminar in Toronto
          25 - CA Workshop in Halifax, Nova Scotia
     CANCELLED - 30 - Secure Canada  - CANCELLED

                          Especially featured:
     CANCELLED - 1 - Secure Canada - CANCELLED
    7 - Bridges to Prosperity Cross Border Seminar
                    7 - Gillani Inc. Seminar   
            21-23 - Travel to: IFAI Expo 2008  
    31 - Looking for sales agents/representatives:
                           Oak Design, Inc. 

   Especially featured:
   17-21 - Be part of the Canadian Delegation to:
                           IAAPA Expo '08

Links to other Trade Events of your interest - Here

Images of two flags
Map of Canada