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Teen Testimonials

"My 15 year old daughter has always been a strong 'B' student until she met a drug dealer online. She began sitting a privacy status on her online account and began taking and selling drugs. In one year, she became an 'F' student and dropped out. She is now in a treatment center and reported this is the first time she has been sober in over a year."
Mary, CA
"Recently, someone stole my pictures and comments online and made a duplicate Web site of mine. Then, pretended to be me and made very crude comments to my friends. My friends thoughts it was me and I can not get the fake Web site taken down."
Lauren, FL
"I met a guy online about 10 months ago. We recently broke up and the harassment began. He has threaten to hurt me, poison my dog, and has been giving my address and telephone number to other guys. I have had guys I do not know contact me and have had notes left on my door. He has also created a fake online profile of me with my pictures."
Julie, TX