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Avoidance Tips

Information every teen, parent, and guardian must know…

Teens, while surfing the net, be aware of the dangers and minimize the risks:

  • — If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, discuss it with your parent/guardian.
  • — Do not share personal information online which can identify who you are and/or where you live, such as your name, address, school you attend, where you like to hang out, your telephone number, etc.
  • — Be cautious of replying to emails from individuals you do not know.
  • — Be sure you know who you are IMing and be aware that anything you type can be forwarded.
  • — Safeguard your privacy by being careful of any type of camera you have attached to your computer.
  • — Be very cautious of chat rooms, often they are used by child predators to find victims.
  • — Do not give your password to anyone other than your parent/guardian.
  • — Do not provide photographs to individuals you do not know or those you have just met.
  • — Never meet face-to-face with someone you have met online.
  • — Ask yourself, "Is the person who they say they are?" When chatting with others on the Internet, be careful — especially if the person seems older than they claim to be. Be cautious if the person wants to meet you face-to-face, encourages you to keep secrets, asks a lot of personal questions, or tries to turn you against your family, friends, or teachers. They may have a hidden agenda. Not everyone is who they say they are. They appear friendly and harmless - but think twice. An individual, who claims to be 13, might actually be an older person looking to exploit you.