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Investment Fraud

Investment fraud is an offer using false or fraudulent claims to solicit investments or loans, or providing for the purchase, use, or trade of forged or counterfeit securities. The offer may come by phone, mail, or computer, but the message is the same: You'll get rich quick, receive high returns with a low risk, and should invest right now.

Investment opportunities, or"get rich quick" schemes, are a favorite of fraudsters. Whether they're selling securities, oil wells, or gold coins, fraudulent promoters will try to get you to invest your money — and lots of it. The only thing you can rely on - You won't get anything back.

Phony investment firms might try several different avenues to reach you. Often, they send enticing or official-looking mailings that urge you to call. More recently, they've gone to emails, which make it even easier to reach millions of potential victims.

Phony investment brokers market to a specific consumer base — older Americans — who want to secure their financial future. Americans lose more than $40 billion a year to telemarketing fraud. And the scams show no signs of slowing down. Older Americans are seeing their "nest eggs" and retirement funds shrink. With low returns on income-generating investments and rising costs for medical insurance, prescription drugs, and general expenses, they're even more vulnerable to scams. Every year, thousands of people lose anywhere from a few dollars to their life savings to swindlers.

** Remember — "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" **

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