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Alternative Delivery Systems

CCC authorizes the delivery of CCC Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL) and loan deficiency payments (LDP's) through approved Cooperative Marketing Associations (CMA's), Loan Servicing Agents (LSA's), and Designated Marketing Associations (DMA's).

Cooperative Marketing Associations obtain MAL's and LDP's on behalf of their members who deliver a commodity to the Cooperative for marketing on a 'pool' basis. MAL's and LDP's, as well as marketing proceeds, are then allocated to members according to their share of the commodity in the pool. CMA's are responsible for determining, based upon data received from FSA, whether the members are eligible for benefits. The regulatory authority for CMA's is at 7 CFR Part 1425.

Cotton Loan Servicing Agents are entities authorized by CCC to provide MAL's and LDP's to individual producers who retain beneficial interest in cotton. Like CMA's, they also are responsible for determining if producers are eligible for benefits. The regulatory authority for LSA's is contained within 7 CFR Part 1427.

Peanut Designated Marketing Associations are entities authorized by CCC to provide MAL's and LDP's to individual producers who retain beneficial interest in peanuts. The regulatory authority for DMA's is at 7 CFR Part 1421 Subpart E.

List of Currently Approved CMA's, DMA's and LSA's

View the list of approved and suspended CMA's, DMA's, and LSA's

Locate CMA's, DMA's and LSA's Using Google Earth
If you have Google Earth installed, click here to see CMA, DMA, and LSA locations.

Deciding Whether to Apply for CMA, DMA or LSA status

Generally, companies that are organized as agricultural Cooperatives and engage in marketing commodities on a pool basis, seek CMA status. Producers deliver their commodity to the Cooperative and the Cooperative takes title to the commodity. View the requirements and the application process for becoming a grain, peanut or rice CMA. View the requirements and the application process for becoming a cotton CMA.

Companies that are not controlled by peanut processors and wish to provide CCC benefits to peanut producers, who retain beneficial interest in peanuts, may seek DMA status. View DMA status requirements and the application process.

Companies that are involved in marketing cotton and wish to provide CCC benefits to producers who retain beneficial interest in cotton may seek LSA status. View LSA status requirements and the application process.


Available Tools:

CMA Fact Sheet (PDF)


All PSD handbooks relevant to Alternative Delivery Systems that have been approved for posting to the internet from our FOIA office and Privacy Act provisions are now available at a centralized site. Handbooks that are important for CMA, DMA, and LSA operations are:

8-LP (rice)



Generally, FSA Notices that are important to CMA's, DMA's, and LSA's are the following series:




For peanut DMA's:
Grains and Similarly Handled Commodities--Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments for the 2002 through 2007 Crop Years. (Text)

For CMA's:

For cotton CMA's and LSA's:

CCC Forms
Important forms are:

  • CCC-846 - Application for Approval of Cooperative Marketing Association for Loan and Loan Deficiency Payments (LDP).
  • CCC846-1 - Loan and Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) Recertification for Approved Cooperative Marketing Associations (CMAs)
  • CCC-912 - Agreement of Authorized Loan Servicing Agent
  • CCC-912 P - This form is completed by entities applying for Designated Marketing Association (DMA) status.
  • FSA-211 - These forms are used by producers to authorize someone else to conduct business with the county FSA office on their behalf.

All forms are available at the following web site.

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