U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Nominations Hearing
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Vice Admiral Thomas J. Barrett USCG (Ret.)
Nominated to be Deputy Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation

JULY 31, 2007
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice-Chairman, and other distinguished Members of the Committee, I am honored and welcome the opportunity to appear before you today with these other distinguished nominees as you consider my nomination to serve as Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation. I am honored to have been nominated by the President for this important responsibility and, if confirmed, I look forward to energetically supporting Secretary Mary Peters and her leadership team at the Department. I commit to you that I will fully dedicate myself to helping ensure the Department meets its vital obligations to the American public, and continuing to work closely with you, the Committee and your staff.
Mr.Chairman, as you know, the Department of Transportation plays a vital role for our nation. The Department and its operating modes administer comprehensive, nationwide programs to protect our citizens and communities from risks to life, health, property and the environment inherent in all modes of transportation. Departmental programs help  develop, sustain and maintain the air, surface and maritime transportation systems that are a foundation of American personal freedom and commercial mobility. We all know America’s economic vitality, continued economic growth and ability to compete in a global economy depend upon dynamic and reliable transportation systems.  Secretary Peters has focused the Department on safety, improving transportation systems performance including reducing congestion, and bringing forward 21st century solutions to transportation challenges. If confirmed, I look forward to advancing these priorities.
I believe my experience as the Administrator of the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, as the Chief Operating Officer of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, and 35 years of experience in the Coast Guard in a broad range of assignments has provided me the management, leadership and teamwork skills to succeed in the position for which I have been nominated. This experience has given me an excellent perspective on how organizations and their personnel work, how to ensure and maintain focus on mission objectives and achieve the performance that the Administration, the Congress and the public expects. My experience has forged a bedrock commitment to safety, a drive to constantly improve organizational performance, and a commitment to never ignore the circumstances of the people who carry out Department missions from the front lines. I fully appreciate the value of partnering with other federal agencies, states, stakeholders, the public and the Congress to build effective enterprise solutions to transportation challenges. I also understand the need to work closely with the Department’s Chief Budget Officer, the Inspector General, the Office of Management and Budget and the Government Accountability Office to ensure the Department’s programs are managed effectively and with efficiency. As Acting Deputy Secretary of Transportation since March, I have also had the opportunity to closely observe and develop hands-on experience on the major policy and management issues facing the Department.
Mr. Chairman, I reiterate my commitment to you that, if confirmed, I will work each and every day as hard as I possibly can to effectively carry out the duties entrusted to me and to the Department.
I thank you and am pleased to respond to any questions you may have.

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Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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