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Avian Influenza CAP


Date Funded: 2005
Amount: $6.5 million
Duration: 3 years*

Objective: Prevent and control avian influenza by studying interspecies and live bird market transmission, developing diagnostic tests and vaccines, and building effective education and biosecurity programs.

Why? Uncontrolled avian influenza in the United States could paralyze the industry and compromise the country's position as the leading exporter of poultry.

Impact: Researchers developed a vaccine that protects chickens against H5N1 strains. They also developed two internationally available rapid diagnostic tests: FLU DETECT tests for the presence of the AI virus, and ProFLOK detects the presence of antibodies to the AI virus. The project developed an extension program to train producers and veterinarians on the depopulation and composting of flocks with AI.

Participants: University of Maryland, lead institution

Auburn University

Georgia Tech

Ohio State University

Oregon State University

Pennsylvania State University

Texas A&M University

University of California-Davis

University of Connecticut

University of Delaware

University of Georgia

University of Minnesota

University of Wisconsin

Virginia Tech

Western University


*In 2008, the project was renewed for three more years and an additional $5 million. The second phase will continue its current focus of integrating research and education activities to benefit the poultry industry and contribute to the prevention of pandemic influenza.

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Last Updated: 07/21/2008