U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Statement of Ted Stevens
Hearing: Nominations Hearing
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thank you Mr. Chairman. I think these are two very important positions for public transportation and I look forward to this hearing today.  Aviation is a very important part of any state in the union, and it is literally the life blood of Alaska.  70% of our state can be reached only by air year round.  You must use a boat from time to time.  But year round transportation is dependent on aviation.  It is important that the FAA maintain knowledge of Alaska, and Mr. Sturgell I am a little concerned about the retention of people in the FAA in Alaska.  The retention seems to be a critical thing, attrition is very high and as a cause of our unique terrain it is an enormous aviation community.  It is essential that we have the people up there who understand the state and understand the weather.  I look forward to having the chance to discuss this with you and I want to work with the Chairman, and both of you, and try to see if we can do our best to improve the aviation system of our country.

Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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