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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Biographies 
Picture of William H. SewardBIOGRAPHY

William H. Seward
Secretary of State, 
Term of Appointment: 03/05/1861 to 03/04/1869

  • Born at Florida, Orange County, New York, May 16, 1801;
  • Graduated from Union College in 1820;
  • Admitted to the bar in 1822 and commenced practice in Auburn, New York, in 1823;
  • Married Frances Miller in 1824;
  • Member of the State Senate 1830-1834;
  • Governor of New York 1838-1842;
  • Resumed the practice of law;
  • Senator from New York 1849-1861;
  • Unsuccessful candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1860;
  • Commissioned Secretary of State in President Lincoln's Cabinet March 5, 1861, entered upon his duties March 6, 1861, continued in office under President Johnson, and served until March 4, 1869;
  • As Secretary of State, handled with skill the delicate relations of the United States with foreign nations during the Civil War, and in 1867 negotiated and signed the treaty with Russia for the cession of Alaska to the United States; made a trip around the world 1870-1871 Auburn in 1871;
  • Died in Auburn October 10, 1872.

Released on July 15, 2003

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