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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Biographies 
Picture of William Maxwell EvartsBIOGRAPHY

William Maxwell Evarts
Secretary of State, 
Term of Appointment: 03/12/1877 to 03/07/1881

  • Born in Boston, Massachusetts, February 6, 1818;
  • Graduated from Yale College in 1837;
  • Attended Harvard Law School 1838-1839;
  • Admitted to the bar in 1841 and practiced in New York City;
  • Married Helen Minerva Wardner in 1843;
  • Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1849-1853;
  • Chairman of the New York delegation to the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1860;
  • Went on a U.S. Government mission to Great Britain 1863-1864;
  • Delegate to the New York State Constitutional Convention of 1867-1868;
  • Chief counsel for President Johnson in the impeachment trial of 1868;
  • Attorney General in President Johnson's Cabinet 1868-1869;
  • One of counsel for the United States before the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, 1871-1872;
  • Chief counsel for the Republican Party before the Electoral Commission in 1877;
  • Commissioned Secretary of State in President Hayes' Cabinet on March 12, 1877, and served until March 7, 1881;
  • As Secretary of State, defined American policy with regard to an isthmian canal, took a strong stand toward Mexico in defense of American lives and property, and directed the negotiation of treaties with China relating to commerce and immigration;
  • Delegate to the International Monetary Conference at Paris in 1881;
  • Senator from New York, 1885-1891;
  • Died in New York City February 28, 1901.

Released on July 15, 2003

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