Michigan's Gypsy Moth Education Program
Welcome to Michigan's Gypsy Moth and Exotic Forest Pests Education website. The program is administered through Michigan State University, in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Agriculture. Educational program personnel work with a variety of state and federal agencies, researchers and educators to bring information on the biology and management of a variety of forest pests. This site offers information and sources for additional materials or help. Visitors to the site also can call (989) 772-2243, the Michigan Gypsy Moth and Exotic Forest Pest office, for further help.

What's New

Meet the Staff

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Ordering Materials

Gypsy Moth FAQ

Glossary of Terms

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History of the Gypsy Moth
Explore the history of the Gypsy Moth in the United States and Michigan.
Life Cycle and Biology

Learn about the life cycle of the gypsy moth and read about key elements of its biology.
Control and Management
Learn about current Control and Management strategies being utilized to manage the Michigan's gypsy moth populations.
Natural Enemies
You should be familiar with the 3 P's - Predators, Parasitoids, and Pathogens and their role in controlling gypsy moth.
Gypsy Moth in the Forest
Learn about the dynamics of gypsy moth populations in the forest and the damage that they can do and possible management options.
.Gypsy Moth in the Classroom
Here you can find out how gypsy moth education is being implemented in classrooms across the state.  Educational materials are also available.
Gypsy Moth Net Links
Look here for additional Gypsy Moth internet sites and educational resources.



Materials provided by the
Michigan State University Extension
Gypsy Moth Education Program

Copyright © 1997 Michigan State University
Disclaimer and Indicia

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Document Author(s): Program Staff
Revised: September 11, 1997
URL: http://www.ent.msu.edu/gypsyed