The following is a compilation of the principal source documents governing flight operations in international airspace. The source information is organized here in two groups--the first of which is a listing of the applicable documents, the second cross references chapters and paragraphs with specific subject matter.

I. Document Listing

    a. Canadian Documentation

      1. Canada Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

      2. Canada Flight Supplement (CFS)

      3. Enroute High Altitude Charts--HEl and HE4 (NAT)

      4. Enroute Low Altitude Charts--LE9 and LE10 (NAT)

      5. North Atlantic MNPS Airspace Operations Manual

      6. Transport Canada IGA Aircraft Transatlantic Flight Requirements Pamphlet

        Canadian Documentation may be obtained through the following agencies:

          1. The Canada AIP
          Transport Canada
          Aeronautical Information Services
          Publication and Distribution
          Ottawa, Canada
          KIA ON8

          2. The CFS and Enroute Charts
          Canada Map Office
          Department of Energy, Mines and Resources
          615 Booth Street
          Ottawa, Canada
          KlA OE9

          3. The North Atlantic MNPS Airspace Operations Manual
          Transport Canada
          Air Traffic Services
          Airspace and Procedures
          Ottawa, Canada
          KIA ON8

          4. The Transport Canada IGA Aircraft Transatlantic Flight Requirements Pamphlet
          Transport Canada
          Aviation Licensing Branch
          P.O. Box 42
          Moncton, New Brunswick
          ElC 8K6

    b. Denmark (Greenland) Documentation may be obtained by writing to:

          Civil Aviation Administration
          Box 744
          Luftfartshuset (Ellebjergvej 50)
          DK 2450
          Copenhagen SV, Denmark
          Telex: 27096 CAADK
          Tel: 45 36 44 48 48
          Fax: 45 36 44 03 03

    c. ICAO Documentation

      1. Rules of the Air: Annex 2

      2. Operation of Aircraft: Annex 6

      3. Telecommunications: Annex 10

      4. Air Traffic Services: Annex 11

      5. Search and Rescue: Annex 12

      6. Procedures for Air Navigation Services--Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services: Doc 4444/501

      7. Regional Supplementary Procedures: Doc 7030

      8. Aircraft Operations: Doc 8168/OPS

        ICAO Documentation may be obtained by writing to:

          International Civil Aviation Organization
          ATTN.: Document Sales Unit
          1000 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 400
          Montreal, Quebec
          Canada H3A 2R2
          Phone: 514-285-8219
          Fax: 514-288-4772

    d. Iceland Documentation may be obtained by contacting:

          Civil Aviation Administration
          Aeronautical Information Service
          Reykjavik Airport, Iceland
          Tel 354-1-694100
          Fax: 354-1-624599
          Telex: 2250 FALCON IS

    e. UK Documentation

      1. NAT Briefing Information

      2. United Kingdom Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

      3. Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)

      4. Aeronautical Information Circulars

      5. North Atlantic MNPS Operations Manual

        UK. Documentation is available through the following agencies:

          1. For the NAT Briefing Information UK CAA/NATS Foreign Briefing Services

            Control Tower Bldg.
            London Heathrow Arpt.
            Middlesex TW6 1~J
            Tel: (+44) 181-745-3441
            Fax: (+44) 181-745-3453

          2. For the AIP, NOTAMs, Aeronautical Information Circulars, and the NAT MNPS Operations Manual CAA Printing and Publication Office

            Greville House
            37 Gratton Road
            Cheltenham, Glos. GL50 2BN
            Tel: (+44) 1242 235151
            Fax: (+44) 1242 584139

    f. U.S. Documentation

      1. United States Airman's Information Manual (AIM)

      2. United States International Flight Information Manual (IFIM)

      3. United States Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

      4. North Atlantic MNPS Operations Manual

      5. North Atlantic International General Aviation Operations Manual U.S. Documentation is available through the following agencies:

      6. For the AIM, AIP, International NOTAMs, and IFIM

          Superintendent of Documents
          Government Printing Office
          Washington, D.C. 20402

      7. For Supplements and En Route Charts

          National Ocean Service (NOS)
          NOAA Distribution Branch, N1 CG33
          Riverdale, Maryland 20737

      8. For the North Atlantic MNPS Operations Manual and North Atlantic International General Aviation Operations Manual

          Utilization and Storage Section
          U.S. Department of Transportation
          400 7th Street S.W.
          Washington, D.C. 20590

      9. For SELCAL Information

          SELCAL Administration
          Aeronautical Radio Inc.
          Industry Affairs - Frequency Assignment
          Attn: Chris Wheatley
          2551 Riva Road
          Annapolis, MD 21401
          Tel: (410) 266-4000

II. Section/Chapter Cross References

    a. General

      1. General Annex 2, Chapter 2

      2. General Rules Annex 2, Chapter 3

      3. Air Traffic Services Annex 11

      4. General Provisions Doc 4444, Part II

      5. Flight Information & Alerting Service Doc 4444, Part VI

    b. IFR/VFR Flight Operations

      1. Visual Flight Rules Annex 2, Chapter 4

      2. Instrument Flight Rules Annex 2. Chapter 5

      3. Flight Rules Doc 7030

    c. Flight Planning

      1. Flight Plans Annex 2, Section 3.3.1

      2. Flight Plans and Clearance Doc 7030

      3. Model Flight Plan Form Doc 4444, App. 2

    d. Navigational Requirements

      1. Adherence to Flight Plan Annex 2, Section 3.6.2

      2. Aircraft Equipment Annex 2, Section 5.1.1

      3. Navigation Equipment Annex 6, Parts I & II Section 2.2

      4. Adherence to ATC Approved Routes Doc 7030

    e. Communications Requirements

      1. Communications Annex 2, Section 3.6.5


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