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2004 National Export Strategy

Cover image of the 2004 National Export Strategy ReportThe 2004 edition of the annual report of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) details the successful outcome of the administration's three-year effort to streamline bureaucracies and make federal trade-promotion programs more responsive, efficient, and easier to use. These efforts were first outlined in a series of recommendations made in the 2002 National Export Strategy, based upon a survey of small and medium-sized exporters.

"Having fulfilled the objectives we set out to accomplish in the 2002 National Export Strategy," said Secretary of Commerce Donald L. Evans in his introduction to the 2004 report, "the TPCC agencies are ready to take a forward-looking approach and use our trade promotion strategies more strategically." These include devoting more resources to helping small businesses - and especially manufacturers - gain access to China; launching government-wide commercial strategies to help U.S. companies take full advantage of new free trade agreements; and utilizing the TPCC as a tool for furthering the national economic security agenda in post-crisis regions such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

The TPCC is an interagency group chaired by the secretary of commerce. The Export Enhancement Act of 1992 established the TPCC to harmonize the export promotion and financing programs of the U.S. government, as well as to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing such programs.

(April 2004; xii, 69 pages; ISSN 1544-7057)


PDF Format

Reprint: National Technical Information Service
Order Number: PB2004-105893
Paper or electronic download

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