Monday, June 07, 2004
Abu Ghraib Prison Abuses

Democrats Determined to Investigate Prison Abuses

Democratic committee leaders have informed the President of their determination to investigate the allegations of prison abuses in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay, and have asked the President for assistance in obtaining key documents.

Over the past few weeks, each committee ranking member has contacted their chairs to request hearings and investigations into the prison abuses. The Democratic Leader, the Democratic Whip, and the Democratic Caucus Chair have made a similar request to the House Speaker, expressing grave concern over the lack of investigations by House committees.

Unfortunately, with the exception of the closed sessions of the Intelligence Committee and a single Armed Services Committee hearing, these requests have been rebuffed. Despite the magnitude of the Abu Ghraib and other detainee abuses and their enormous ramifications for the effort in Iraq and U.S. foreign policy, no House committees are currently undertaking a formal public investigation.