Thompson Praises RAND Report on Katrina

September 27, 2007 – Today, the RAND Corporation and its Gulf States Policy Institute released an analysis of the affects Hurricane Katrina had on Mississippi housing. The report, entitled "What Progress is Mississippi Making in Rebuilding Its Affordable Housing Stock After Katrina?", built upon the 2005 Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding and Renewal and is the first report that goes beyond the anecdotal descriptions to provide real Data analysis and comparisons. The RAND Gulf States Policy Institute also found there is a gap between the construction capacity needs and the lack of rebuilding of the affordable housing community.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement in support of the report.

“RAND hit the nail on head with this report. For the first time since Katrina, we have a report that truly documents the challenges that the working men and women of Mississippi face everyday as they try to rebuild their homes.

In addition, this report will serve as a blueprint to the federal government as we continue to develop and direct policies to assist the State and local governments in their future rebuilding efforts,” said Thompson.

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Please contact Dena Graziano or Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978.