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Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington

Marny Skora
Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.

Aug. 1, 2007
NASA Selects Penn State to Lead National Education Initiative
HAMPTON, Va. - NASA has selected the Pennsylvania State University's Center for Science and Schools in University Park to lead the agency's Aerospace Education Service Project, a comprehensive educational program designed to reach out to all 50 states and U.S. territories.

The cooperative agreement has a maximum value of $27.5 million over five years.

The project is the longest-running kindergarten through 12th grade effort in NASA's education history. Under the agreement, Penn State will use NASA's many educational assets to aid America's formal and informal education communities in promoting science, technology, engineering and math.

A professional development program, the project provides educators and students with tools, experiences and opportunities to further their education through educator workshops, classroom demonstrations, parent programs and classroom resources. The goal is to attract and retain students in science, math and related disciplines vital to the nation's space program.

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