Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF97.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF97.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF97.3 Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms.
TEXT PDF97.4 Applicability.
TEXT PDF97.5 Retired unit exemption.
TEXT PDF97.6 Standard requirements.
TEXT PDF97.7 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF97.10 Authorization and responsibilities of NOX authorized account representative.
TEXT PDF97.11 Alternate NOX authorized account representative.
TEXT PDF97.12 Changing NOX authorized account representative and alternate NOX authorized account representative; changes in owners and operators.
TEXT PDF97.13 Account certificate of representation.
TEXT PDF97.14 Objections concerning NOX authorized account representative.
TEXT PDF97.20 General NOX Budget Trading Program permit requirements.
TEXT PDF97.21 Submission of NOX Budget permit applications.
TEXT PDF97.22 Information requirements for NOX Budget permit applications.
TEXT PDF97.23 NOX Budget permit contents.
TEXT PDF97.24 NOX Budget permit revisions.
TEXT PDF97.30 Compliance certification report.
TEXT PDF97.31 Administrator's action on compliance certifications.
TEXT PDF97.40 Trading program budget.
TEXT PDF97.41 Timing requirements for NOX allowance allocations.
TEXT PDF97.42 NOX allowance allocations.
TEXT PDF97.43 Compliance Supplement Pool.
TEXT PDF97.50 NOX Allowance Tracking System accounts.
TEXT PDF97.51 Establishment of accounts.
TEXT PDF97.52 NOX Allowance Tracking System responsibilities of NOX authorized account representative.
TEXT PDF97.53 Recordation of NOX allowance allocations.
TEXT PDF97.54 Compliance.
TEXT PDF97.55 Banking.
TEXT PDF97.56 Account error.
TEXT PDF97.57 Closing of general accounts.
TEXT PDF97.60 Submission of NOX allowance transfers.
TEXT PDF97.61 EPA recordation.
TEXT PDF97.62 Notification.
TEXT PDF97.70 General requirements.
TEXT PDF97.71 Initial certification and recertification procedures.
TEXT PDF97.72 Out of control periods.
TEXT PDF97.73 Notifications.
TEXT PDF97.74 Recordkeeping and reporting.
TEXT PDF97.75 Petitions.
TEXT PDF97.76 Additional requirements to provide heat input data.
TEXT PDF97.80 Applicability.
TEXT PDF97.81 General.
TEXT PDF97.82 NOX authorized account representative.
TEXT PDF97.83 Applying for NOX Budget opt-in permit.
TEXT PDF97.84 Opt-in process.
TEXT PDF97.85 NOX Budget opt-in permit contents.
TEXT PDF97.86 Withdrawal from NOX Budget Trading Program.
TEXT PDF97.87 Change in regulatory status.
TEXT PDF97.88 NOX allowance allocations to opt-in units.
