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National Weather Service Forecast Office  
National Weather Service Forecast Office, Ft. Worth, Texas
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The National Weather Service 
needs your help when severe weather strikes!

While we are constantly monitoring severe and extreme weather in our office, we need your help to tell us what is happening in your area when this type of weather hits North Texas . You have the ability to send storm reports directly to our office via the Internet. Our website has an online form that allows you to tell us exactly what is happening or what did happen at your location. You can send us reports as the weather event is happening or after the event is over (for example, if you lose power). Your reports help us to determine the severity of storms, update our warnings, and verify our warnings. The information is still very helpful to us even if your report is sent after the event is over! Here is how you can find and use the online form:

 1.  Look for the red box above the area map on our homepage ( This red box provides the link to the online form.

Picture of NWS Ft. Worth Hompage Highlighting Submit Storm Report Button

2.  Select the type of weather event from the drop down menus. Note how the events are separated by various springtime and wintertime events.

3.  Fill in your location information. If you are not within a city limit, try to estimate how far and in what direction you are from the nearest city.

4.  Fill in the date and time. Make sure the date and time are for when the event occurred! Do not enter in the current time if the event occurred earlier in the day or a few hours ago. Please try to estimate a time if you are not exactly sure when the event happened. You can make a note in the remarks that the �time is estimated� to help us out.

5.  Fill in the remarks section with any other information you can provide. For example, where exactly the event occurred, the nearest crossroads to the event, water depth (for flooding), the size of tree branches knocked down, what surfaces are coated with ice, etc�

6.  The last section is voluntary and asks for your contact information in case we need to contact you about your report.

7.  Finally, send your report!

 Your report will be received almost immediately into our office, and we will use the reports to update our warnings providing the most accurate information to you and the rest of North Texas � population. You may see your report appear in one of our statements or warnings!  

Thank you for your help and remember your safety when severe and extreme weather hits
North Texas !

National Weather Service
Fort Worth Weather Forecast Office
3401 Northern Cross Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76137
Page last modified: 04/05/07
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