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Pharmacy Participants' Corner

Here you can find information for pharmacies that have been asked to participate in the MEPS Medical Provider Component (MPC):
  • Video introduction (Flash® 3.5 MB; approximately 7–8 minutes viewing time): Provides an overview of MEPS-MPC and discusses the government agencies sponsoring the study. (Accessible version  PDF 1.6 MB or  HTM 18 KB)

  • Frequently asked questions: Read answers to general questions (PDF 103 KB or HTM 12 KB) and pharmacy questions (PDF 81 KB or HTM 8 KB).

  • Confidentiality/HIPAA (PDF 70 KB or HTM 6 KB): Provides information on issues of confidentiality and compliance with HIPAA legislation.

  • Go to survey questionnaires for detailed information on the types of questions asked in the Medical Provider Component of MEPS.

  • Results: Read a sample of results showing how are MEPS data are used.
To speak with a representative of the MPC, call the following toll-free number: 1-800-318-3843

To fax information to the MPC, use the following toll-free number: 1-800-292-6408

To mail information to the MPC, use the following address:
Anne Denbow/WESTAT
9274 Gaither Road, GA48
Gaithersburg, MD 20877-1420

   Page last revised:  October 31, 2006