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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
For Immediate Release
October 30th, 2007
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee today approved legislation cosponsored by Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) to eliminate the five year automatic removal of telephone numbers registered in the federal “Do-Not-Call” registry.  The “Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007” (S. 2096) would create a permanent registry extension and was introduced by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).  The bill now awaits action by the full Senate.


 “Millions of Americans rely on the ‘Do-Not-Call’ list,” said Senator Stevens. “Common sense legislation like this bill will make the registry permanent and prevent consumers from having to re-register their phone numbers every five years.  It is time to make the ‘Do-Not-Call’ list the ‘Never-Call’ list.”


Currently, each number in the “Do-Not-Call” registry will expire five years after its initial registration.  Almost 52 million (51,968,777) numbers will expire before September 30, 2008.  S. 2096 would create a permanent registry extension which would save Americans from having to re-register their phone numbers.  It also removes the need for the Federal Trade Commission to undertake a costly education campaign to remind Americans to re-enroll their number on the “Do-Not-Call” list. Currently, more than 200,000 numbers in Alaska are part of the “Do-Not-Call” registry.