BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service



Border Trade Initiative / Arizona

The U.S. Commercial Service is pleased to announce the BORDER TRADE INITIATIVE, a concerted effort to increase U.S. exports into Mexico's large maquiladora manufacturing sector. From southern Arizona, we will focus specifically on business development opportunities in Sonora.

The BORDER TRADE INITIATIVE responds to two important trends: the growth of Mexico's industrial market, now the largest in Latin America; and, the sharp decline of U.S.-made supplies to Mexican manufacturers in comparison to Asian exports over the last seven years -- from 90% to 47%.

Highlights of the BORDER TRADE INITIATIVE include:
* Hiring a border trade specialist in Nogales, Arizona;
* Opening a U.S. Export Assistance Center in El Paso;
* Developing border-specific market research;
* Sharing insights about successfully exporting to Mexico's manufacturing sector;
* Helping U.S. exporters develop sales channels and maquila supplier relationships in Mexico's northern states. For the first time, this will include identifying agents, distributors and representatives in U.S. border communities;
* Conducting familiarization events in multiple border cities, including Nogales; and,
* Launching the Border Gateway Service business-to-business matchmaking program.

For more information about the BORDER TRADE INITIATIVE, please visit

Eric Nielsen
Director, Arizona USEAC / Border Trade Initiative Coordinator
Tel 520-670-5808