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A young male student, enjoying his studies.


About EDSITEment: Nomination and Review Process

Each year, beginning with its inception in April 1997, EDSITEment receives several hundred website nominations, which members of the NEH Education Division screen for eligibility and winnow to a list comprising 75 to 100 of the most promising humanities sites.

Peer Review Panel

The NEH staff and the Council of the Great City Schools assemble a peer review panel to review the list of sites. The panel - one of approximately 100 convened annually by the NEH to evaluate humanities-based project proposals - includes college and university faculty as well as master teachers and curriculum specialists from schools from around the country.

Between twenty to fifty sites receive very high ratings and are selected to be considered for further review.

Blue Ribbon Panel

A Blue Ribbon Panel consisting of leaders in education, humanities, government, and business, assesses the peer reviewed sites and recommends twenty to thirty sites to be added to EDSITEment for that year.

The rigorous assessment of EDSITEment websites by the Peer Review and Blue Ribbon Panels should help instill confidence among parents, teachers, and students across the country that the sites selected for inclusion on EDSITEment are appropriate and have sound educational value.