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EDSITEMENT: Template Page

A young male student, enjoying his studies.


About EDSITEment: Website Selection Criteria

Intellectual Quality

  • Does the site provide rich, deep, multi-layered humanities content?
  • Does it provide the student access to authentic, worthwhile materials with precise references and clear content?
  • Do the author or authors have appropriate scholarly qualifications?
  • Is the information accurate, balanced, and updated frequently?
  • Is the site unique, or is the material more easily available elsewhere?

Website Design

  • Is the site user-friendly and attractive graphically?
  • Is it easy to access information from different parts of the site?
  • Does the site provide for more than a one-dimensional exposition, allowing students to experience a continuum of working with the materials towards greater sophistication and creativity?
  • Does the site allow for an active, constructive relationship to the material?
  • If teacher guides or exercises are available, do they tap the resources of the site deeply? (Note: such resources are not a requirement.)
  • If the site requires additional hardware or software, are plug-ins available?
  • Are links to other related sites easy and accessible?
  • Does the site have any special features to attract or engage users?

Website Impact

  • Can this site serve multiple audiences or is it highly specialized?
  • Are you aware of any particular uses it would have in the curriculum of a school or college?
  • Does the content relate to education standards developed by your state?
  • If you use this site in your teaching, for which courses and what kinds of assignments or student projects is it most useful?
  • Does the site engage students and encourage them to develop active interest and mastery of the subject area?
  • Is this the best or one of the best sites that you know of in this subject area?