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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
For Immediate Release
September 12th, 2006
Measure Will Provide $1 Billion in Equipment, Planning and Training
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) tonight filed an amendment to the port security legislation to assist the nation’s first responders and improve interoperability communications.


The amendment will provide more than $1 billion for interoperable communications equipment, planning and training.  The funds will become available immediately after the bill is enacted into law.  They were previously appropriated last December in the reconciliation bill. Each State will receive funds to develop a statewide emergency communications plan as well as separate funds for radios and other emergency communications equipment, and software and infrastructure to enable interoperability.  States will also receive funds to train and conduct emergency response exercises. To replace infrastructure destroyed in disasters, the amendment provides funds to create strategic communications reserves, with some equipment available for use by governors or other key state officials.  The measure makes grant eligibility contingent on submission of a statewide interoperability plan, and ensures that funds are available for state-specific emergencies and disasters. Finally, the amendment will require emergency communication coordination with medical emergency responders and will encourage the use of advanced communications technologies.