


This is the Table of Contents for the online Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Each heading is linked to a file which contains just that subject matter. Should you want to go to a different section of the SOP, just point and click in the top right-hand corner of the Table of Contents for that section and it will bring you back to this page. Should you prefer to view the whole SOP document and print it out, select "Complete SOP." This is a large .pdf file and will take a few minutes to open. Also, you can navigate through these files easily by clicking on the "Bookmarks" tab located on the left-hand side of the screen, close to the top of the document. This will allow you to go to the different sections of the file so you will not have to scrolldown to find the information you wish to look up.

Agency Acronyms

(Revised by Linda Fulton, CS -- Mississippi State, MS)

(Revised by Telecia Burton, NSL -- Oxford, MS and Ms. Kay Bolen, AWM -- Bowling Green, KY)

Files, Retention and Disposition
(Revised by Marlene Coley, APT -- Stoneville, MS)

(Revised by Alice Redditt, SWS -- Stoneville, MS)

(Revised by Telecia Burton and Lucienne Savell, NSL -- Oxford, MS)

(Revised by Tammy Dorman, NSDL -- Auburn, AL)

(Revised by Marlene Coley, MSA -- Stoneville, MS

Travel (This section is being revised with the implementation of the new travel system, GovTrip.)
(Revised by Lynda Taylor, MSA -- Stoneville and Lucienne Savell, NSL -- Oxford)

Complete SOP (This is being revised with the implementation of the new travel system, GovTrip.)
(This is the complete SOP.pdf file which will take several minutes to open, not recommended for persons using dialup connections).

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