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What's New

Basic Needs Budget Calculator

NCCP's newest web-based tool shows how much a family needs to make ends meet. Basic Needs Budgets are provided for different family sizes and types and are currently available for 70 localities across 11 states.

Present, Engaged, and Accounted For
The Critical Importance of Addressing Chronic Absence in the Early Grades

This report describes how one in 10 kindergarten and first grade students are chronically absent. Schools and communities working together, however, can significantly reduce chronic early absence by taking comprehensive approaches for ensuring schools and families understand attendance is a key to their children’s future.

Staying Afloat in Tough Times
What States Are and Aren't Doing to Promote Family Economic Security

This report tracks state-level policies that help families both avoid and cope with economic hardship. Three categories of policies are examined: work attachment and advancement, income adequacy, and asset development and protection.

Featured Projects

Unclaimed Children Revisited

Unclaimed Children Revisited is a multi-pronged project that generates new knowledge about policies that promote mental health services to children and families in need.

Improving the Odds for Young Children

This project provides state-by-state information about the policy choices that states make about health, early care and education, and parenting supports.

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