BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Colombia Local time: 04:54 PM



"On behalf of the ATSC Forum, I want to express our profound gratitude for the superb support that your staff provided during my recent visit to Bogotá. I especially want to thank Daniel Kachur and Julio Carbó for their hard work and the professional manner in which they assisted me before, during and after my visit.

It addition to the tremendous amount of legwork involved in setting up very productive meetings with appropriate government officials, Messrs. Kachur and Carbó made numerous changes on the fly, adding important meetings to the schedule, taking advantage of opportunities to meet key people, and rearranging appointments to make sure we met with the most important policy makers. Before I arrived they were well versed in the technical and economic advantages of the ATSC Standard, and in the course of our meetings and informal discussions they were extremely helpful in our efforts to articulate these advantages for Colombia.

Although we have a great deal of work remaining over the next several months, I believe this recent series of meetings laid important ground work for the adoption of the ATSC Standard by Colombia by the end of this year. None of this would have been possible without the strong support given by the U.S. government, especially the superb contributions of Messrs. Kachur and Carbó.

We deeply appreciate this support, and we hope we can continue to work together to bring the benefits of digital television technology to the people of Colombia using the ATSC family of standards."Robert K. Graves, Chairman ATSC Forum

“This was one of the best GKS I have ever had. The DOC Staff at the Embassy did an outstanding JOB. Gaciela as always was dead on in the appoinments she arranged for me they were perfect. we have entered into a distribution agreement with a Columbian company with a a firm commitment of US350k in sales for the first 10 months. While I was in Columbia I had was taken ill and needed Medical Attention.I was all alone far from home in a Foreign Country and I was quite scared. To my delight and relief Mr. Taylor and Andres of the DOC went out of their way to help me.The translator Lucrecia stayed with me while I was in the Hospital and never left my side and she did a great job in translating on the business side of things as well. The Embassy staff made sure that I knew that they were there for me and for that I will be forever grateful.The Embassy even had the Staff Physician visit me while I was in the Hospital. They even helped to find my lost luggage, words can not possibly express the appreciation I have for the DOC and Embassy Staff in Bogota. I can only say thank you for a job well done and thank you to the entire embassy staff for being their when I needed them. God Bless the Embassy Staff, and the USA
Joe Arcovio Director International Division Cannondale Bicycle Corp.

“The sales cycle for our consulting services usually takes 9 to 18 months. We met with very high level executives at 12 financial institutions, 4 are very interested and reviewing our proposals with their executive management. Potential revenue for our company ranges form $500,000 to $1,000,000 per client. The efforts and results form the staff widely exceeded our expectations. Our thanks and congratulations were expresses in writing to Karla King, Commercial Counselor. Your team of Américo Ríos, Rebeca Ruedas y Mónica did an outstanding job, their performance Hill surely generate business for us.
Elias Nunez, Profit Technologies International Corporation

“I am very pleased to enjoy the benefits from the Single Company Promotion and the Gold Key Package in Bogota because we have created quantum momentum as a result of the consistent work and image from the American Embassy in Colombia. We have had the opportunity to explain to forty strong companies (for about 2 hours) our company profile and what distinguishes us from others and then talk individually with the ones who showed a serious interest. Because of this trip, we now have an outstanding agent and partner. I personally believe in these services and they are making a big difference in my company.”

Fernando Gonzalez, President
P.O. Box International

“The Gold Key in Colombia was excellent. However, sometimes a company wishes to visit a market and hopes to choose one distributor for that market. Well, your program has made my job a bit more difficult. I now have the problem of choosing amongst four companies that could become solid distributors for us. The Gold Key program worked too well in this case, which is a credit to your program.”

“In one day I was able to come away with four solid quality leads, something that I was not able to do from the U.S. via fax or e-mail. Thanks to you, I now have a pleasant problem of choosing one or two distributors from the four companies. Thank you again for your support and a great Gold Key program.”

Koorosh Vafadari, Director, International Sales
Tyden Brammall

“The Commercial Service Staff in Bogota did an excellent job, they even made more appointments for me as we went along. They truly did an outstanding job! We are also hoping for some Military/Police orders that the Commercial Service has been assisting us with. Thanks for a great job. We will notify you when our negotiations are concluded.”

Joe Arcovio,
Cannondale Corporation

“Simply put, this is the best-hidden gem in the market. We are very satisfied with our relationship with the Commercial Service. They have given us high level results that will turn into sales in the next months.”

Juan R. Deangulo,
Visual Knowledge