1743 French Map of Northwest Africa, depicting the areas covered in this curriculum unit.
Courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress.

Subject Areas
Art and Culture
History and Social Studies
   World History - Africa
   World History - Ancient World
   World History - Asia/Far East
Time Required
  Activity 1: 2 class periods (1 for lesson; 1 for assessment)
Activity 2: 2 class periods
Activity 3: 2 class periods
Activity 4: 2 class periods
Activity 5: 2 class periods
Activity 6: 2 class periods
Activity 7: 2 class periods
Activity 8: indeterminate
  Map skills
Observation and description
Historical interpretation and analysis
Critical Thinking
Information gathering
Visual analysis
Additional Data
  Date Created: 10/15/03

Trekking to Timbuktu: Timbuktu's Golden Age of Scholarship — Teacher Version

Lesson Five of Curriculum Unit:
Trekking to Timbuktu

Click Here for Student Version—


Timbuktu reached its peak as a center of Islamic culture and scholarship in the 16th century. This was its Golden Age. It was now a major city in the Songhai Empire. Of the city's population of nearly 100,000, a quarter were students and scholars. Many of these came from other parts of the Islamic world to study or teach at the cities many madrasas (Islamic schools) and its three universities, the most renowned being that associated with the Sankore Mosque.

Guiding Questions:

What was the Songhai Empire?

What factors made Timbuktu a spiritual and intellectual center of Islam?

What were the schools there like?

What books were used?

Learning Objectives:

After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
  • Identify the empire of Songhai and describe Timbuktu's role in its economy
  • Understand how Timbuktu became an important spiritual and intellectual center of Islam
  • Describe the Islamic schools of Timbuktu
  • Understand how manuscripts were produced and used in Timbuktu

Preparing to Teach This Lesson:

Become familiar with the lesson material. Bookmark relevant websites for later reference.

Suggested Activities:

1. The Songhai

2. Universities and Libraries of Timbuktu

1. The Songhai

In the 15th century, the leaders of a kingdom known as the Songhai (also spelled Songhay) began expanding their domain along the Niger River. Like the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali that flourished in the region in earlier centuries, Songhai grew powerful because of its control of local trade routes. Timbuktu would soon become the heart of the mighty Songhai Empire.
  • Access Empires of the Western Sudan. Click on the map to enlarge it. Find Timbuktu. This empire is much larger than Ghana and Mali ever were.
  • Go to Songhay. The sahel was the region between the Sahara Desert and the equatorial rain forest. Discuss with your students the ways in which Askia Muhammad strengthened the bonds of Islam in the West African communities. Note that while Islam was practiced in the cities, the majority of local natives were non-Muslims. What types of religious practices might they have pursued?

2. Universities and Libraries of Timbuktu

Although Songhai's early ruler was not interested in scholarship, his successor, known as Askia Mohamed, certainly was.
  • Access Golden Age. Read the first five paragraphs. Why was Askia Mohamad a hero among the Islamic scholars in Timbuktu? What became a big industry in Timbuktu at this time? (Book/manuscript production) What types of courses were taught at Sankore? (A mihrab, referred to in paragraph 6, is a niche or part of the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca.)
  • Go to Sankore Mosque available through EDSITEment-reviewed resource African Studies WWW . How was the “university” at Sankore organized? How did it differ from a European university of the time? What was an imam? What was the primary focus of teaching at Sankore? Now visit Sankore. Who was Ahmed Baba? Why did the challenger to the throne of Songhai give up his pursuit of power?
Many manuscripts were written in the schools in Timbuktu, while others were imported from cities in Morocco and Egypt.
  • Access Manuscripts. Where were most of the books produced? What subjects did the local scholars write about? How important were the private libraries? How many collections remain in the city (in the 21st century)? You can view photographs of some of the manuscripts at Manuscripts and Sacred Text.


Write an essay comparing and contrasting the curriculum of the university at Sankore with that of your own school.

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Selected EDSITEment Websites

African Studies WWW
[http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/AS.html] National Geographic Xpeditions

Other Information

Standards Alignment

  1. NCSS-1

    Culture and cultural diversity. more

  2. NCSS-2

    Time, continuity, and change. The ways human beings view themselves in and over time. more

  3. NCSS-3

    People, places, and environments. more

  4. NCSS-4

    Individual development and identity. more

  5. NCSS-5

    Individuals, groups, and institutions. more

  6. NCTE/IRA-1

    Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works. more

  7. NCTE/IRA-12

    Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information). more

  8. NCTE/IRA-7

    Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience. more

  9. NCTE/IRA-8

    Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge. more

  10. NGS-1

    How to Use Maps and Other Geographic Representations, Tools, and Technologies to Acquire, Process, and Report Information from a Spatial Perspective

  11. NGS-12

    The Processes, Patterns, and Functions of Human Settlement

  12. NGS-17

    How to Apply Geography to Interpret the Past

  13. NGS-2

    How to Use Mental Maps to Organize Information About People, Places, and Environments in a Spatial Context

  14. NGS-3

    How to Analyze the Spatial Organization of People, Places, and Environments on Earth’s Surface

  15. NGS-9

    The Characteristics, Distribution, and Migration of Human Population on Earth’s Surface

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