Emily Dickinson
Courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress.

Subject Areas
Literature and Language Arts
Time Required
  Lesson One: In Emily Dickinson’s Own Words: Letters and Poems 1-2 class sessions
Lesson Two: Responding to Emily Dickinson: Poetic Analysis 1-2 class sessions
Lesson Three: Emulating Emily Dickinson: Poetry Writing 1-2 class sessions
  Reading literary texts
Critical analysis
Literary interpretation
Internet skills
Writing skills (informal and formal)
Primary document analysis
Additional Data
  Date Created: 04/06/04

Letters from Emily Dickinson: 'Will you be my preceptor?'

—Curriculum Unit Overview—


In 1862, Emily Dickinson, one of the most innovative poets of the 19th century, ventured a letter to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, an editor, writer, and longtime contributor to the Atlantic Monthly who would become her long-time correspondent and mentor. She asked, "Are you too deeply occupied to say if my verse is alive?" Long perceived as a recluse who wrote purely in isolation, Dickinson in reality maintained many dynamic correspondences throughout her lifetime and specifically sought out dialogues on her poetry. These correspondences—both professional and private—reveal a poet keenly aware of the interdependent relationship between poet and reader.

Similarly, Dickinson's letters expose a poet fully engaged in the process of crafting a persona. In another note to Higginson in the first year of their correspondence, Dickinson wrote, "When I state myself, as the representative of the verse, it does not mean me, but a supposed person." For students of writing, who often struggle to develop a distinctive voice, and then to modify that voice for different audiences, Dickinson's dialogues offer an instructive model. Ultimately, reading Emily Dickinson's letters alongside her poems helps students to better appreciate a remarkable voice in American literature, grasp how Dickinson perceived herself and her poetry, and-perhaps most relevant to their own endeavors—consider the ways in which a writer constructs a "supposed person."

In this curriculum unit, students will explore Dickinson's poetry as well as her letters to Higginson and her sister-in-law Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson. They will work individually and in groups to reflect on Dickinson's views and the process by which she writes; assume the role of a critic/correspondent and analyze Dickinson's poetry, specifically noting the effectiveness of her persona; and, finally, emulate her writing style while, at the same time, synthesizing what they've learned about poetic voice in a poetry-writing exercise on "There's a certain Slant of light."

Guiding Questions

  • How does Emily Dickinson perceive herself as a poet, especially as reflected by her correspondences with Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson?
  • In what ways does this perception manifest itself in her poetry?

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, students will be able to
  • Recognize Emily Dickinson's poetic style
  • Engage in textual analysis and critical thinking
  • Reflect upon the concept of artistic persona and the creative process
  • Adjust their writing style to different purposes
  • Use imaginative writing techniques

Preparing to Teach this Lesson

  • For Lesson One, download the pdf worksheet, Emily Says, and cut out each individual quotation for distribution to student groups.
  • For Lesson Three, download and copy the pdf worksheet, Emulate Emily.
  • Re-read a number of Dickinson's poems to reacquaint yourself with her unique style. The poems used in this lesson are "Safe in their Alabaster Chambers" (216, 1859 and 1861 version), "They shut me up in Prose-" (613), "I dwell in Possibility-" (657), "There's a certain Slant of light" (258). More Dickinson poems are available at the Academy of American Poets or the American Verse Project. Note Dickinson's use of metaphors to express her ideas and her rejection of grammatical conventions, and her dependence on poetry to achieve understanding.
  • Since this lesson addresses Dickinson's persona, it is also helpful to review a few essays on how Dickinson is perceived today. You may want to read the Dickinson biography on the EDSITEment reviewed website Academy of American Poets, and explore a few of the pieces, specifically Sandra Gilbert's essay, at Titanic Operas, Folio 1, available on the Dickinson Electronic Archives through the Academy of American Poets site. Central to this lesson is the well-known myth of Emily Dickinson as a ghost-like figure, dressed entirely in white and confined to her father's home in Amherst. Conversely, it's significant to note the extent of Dickinson's formal education and the value she placed on literature. Dickinson was well-versed in the poetry and prose of the 19th century, having read and appreciated, among others, the Brontës, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Thomas Carlyle, and George Eliot. As you read the biographies, pay attention to disparate views. While some scholarship portrays Dickinson as a romantic, heartsick figure (i.e., as someone weak who was acted upon), more recent feminist readings tend to view her as deeply aware of the image she actively created of herself.
  • Read at least pages 444 through 447 of Emily Dickinson's Letters, Thomas Wentworth Higginson's article for the October 1891 issue of The Atlantic Monthly, at the EDSITEment reviewed American Memory Project. Higginson excerpts many of Dickinson's letters to him in this piece. Consider the ways in which Dickinson simultaneously seeks Higginson's input and resists his recommendations. Also, note her particular writing style and think about her views on poetry. Her letters suggest that, for her, writing poetry was instinctive, but they also reveal that she understood her writing in the context of other literary works. (As you read this piece, know that Higginson corrected, so to speak, Dickinson's grammar when he published her letters. For a better look at her unadulterated style, see the manuscripts in the Dickinson Electronic Archives, discussed below.)
  • In his essay, Higginson writes, "Even her letters to me show her mainly on her exaltee side; and should a volume of her correspondence ever be printed, it is very desirable that it should contain some of her letters to friends of closer and more familiar intimacy." For a glimpse of this intimacy, explore the "Emily Dickinson Writing a Poem" site, part of the Dickinson Electronic Archives, which is available through the EDSITEment reviewed Academy of American Poets. Read the "Introduction," the letters between Dickinson and her sister-in-law Susan, and the manuscript excerpts. Pay particular attention to how Sue comments on Dickinson's poetry, how Dickinson in turn responds to Sue's suggestions, and how she expresses an awareness of herself as a poet writing for a greater audience. Think about how this exchange is more personal than the one between Dickinson and Higginson.

Curriculum Unit Assessment

Ask students to submit a portfolio of their work, including their essays, their letter, their poem, and their worksheet with their poem critique. Assess them based on the rubric below, granting point values as preferred.

  1. Student worked with his or her group to decipher Emily Dickinson's writing.
  2. Student contributed thoughtfully to class discussion.
  3. Poetry analysis included awareness of word choice, image, and meter.
  4. Writing samples (letter, poem, and essays) used voice appropriate to form.
  5. Emulated poem indicated an understanding of Dickinson's style.
  6. Emulated poem effectively described a personal experience.
  7. Poem critique demonstrated an understanding of the role of a constructive critic, especially as presented in class discussion.
  8. Essay demonstrated an understanding of Dickinson's poetic style.
  9. Essay included an analysis of the student's own poem.
  10. Essay reflected on the poetry-writing process.

Unit Lessons:

Lesson One: In Emily's Own Words: Letters and Poems

Lesson Two: Responding to Emily: Poetic Analysis

Lesson Three: Emulating Emily: Poetry Writing

Selected EDSITEment Websites

  • American Memory Project
    • "Emily Dickinson's Letters"
      00450.TIF&view=50&frames=1] Features page images from the original article by Thomas Wentworth Higginson on his correspondence with Emily Dickinson, as published in the October 1891 edition of The Atlantic Monthly
  • Dickinson Electronic Archives

Other Information

Standards Alignment

  1. NCTE/IRA-1

    Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works. more

  2. NCTE/IRA-3

    Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes. more

  3. NCTE/IRA-5

    Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. more

  4. NCTE/IRA-6

    Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts. more

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