اعثر على القصص الإخبارية


Map of سلوفينيا

Support to the Global War on Terrorism

Continuous growth, increasing influence and the power of terrorist organisations are the current threats posed to the international community. Today's security therefore requires a joint and well-coordinated approach.

Slovenia decisively condemns terrorism in all its forms. Being aware that consistent respect of democratic values, human rights and the rule of law are the most efficient long-term weapons against terrorism, Slovenia is actively participating in endeavours of the international community in combating terrorism through providing concrete contributions and carrying out measures adopted within the contexts of the UN, the EU, NATO and the OSCE.

Support in Providing Security and Stabilisation in Afghanistan

Slovenia contributes to the pool of NATO forces in compliance with its capabilities, for performing assignments in Afghanistan in all phases of extending the operations. The fifth Slovenian contingent consists of 49 members of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF). Two SAF members are assigned to the ISAF HQ in Kabul and 47 SAF members are positioned in Herat.

Support to Stabilisation Efforts in Iraq

At the Istanbul Summit, Slovenia supported the participation of NATO in training Iraqi security forces. Before that it started to take part in the project of training Iraqi police officers in Jordan (5 police instructors).

In October, Slovenia allocated 50,000 EUR for the financing of a security force, which is part of multinational force protecting UN personnel in Iraq.

Slovenia contributed a major amount of weapons and military equipment for the establishment of Iraqi security forces.

Slovenia allocated 100,000 EUR for the Travel and Subsistence Trust Fund financing the NATO Training Mission in Iraq (NTM-I).

In compliance with NATO's operation, Slovenia financially supported some activities of other member states.

In the context of the Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq, the EUJUST LEX operation held in 2005, Slovenia along with Greece and Austria participated in training members of Iraqi judiciary authorities in the area of human rights, international law, command and management methods and legal prosecutions. *

Since February 2006, four SAF members have been participating in the NTM-I mission.

Humanitarian Support to the People of Pakistan and Iraq

To assist in the reconstruction of earthquake-stricken areas in Pakistan, Slovenia allocated 100,000 EUR for covering NATO's expenses for conducting strategic transports of forces to the area of operations and 270,00 USD of humanitarian relief for the earthquake victims. Two SAF members for CIMIC participated in this operation as part of the French contingent.

In 2003, the Republic of Slovenia decided to take part in UN activities related to de-mining in Iraq and, along with the International Trust Fund for De-mining (ITF), offered an expert to assist the UN Coordination Group for De-mining in Iraq.