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Open Printable Lesson Plan

  Woodrow Wilson
Courtesy of American Memory (Library of Congress)


Subject Areas
History and Social Studies
   U.S. History - Civics and U.S. Government
   U.S. History - World War I
Time Required
 The Debate in the United States Over the League of Nations:
Two or three class periods.
 Analyzing archival documents
Critical thinking
Making inferences and drawing conclusions
Working collaboratively
Curriculum Unit
The Debate in the United States over the League of Nations
Additional Data
 Date Created: 05/26/03
Additional Student/Teacher Resources
 The Debate Over the League of Nations
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The Debate in the United States over the League of Nations

—Curriculum Unit Overview—

“Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that is the way I know I am an American . . . America is the only idealist nation in the world.”
—President Woodrow Wilson

“National I must remain and in that way I, like all other Americans, can render the amplest service to the world.”
—Senator Henry Cabot Lodge


American foreign policy continues to resonate with the issues surrounding the debate over U.S. entry into the League of Nations-collective security versus national sovereignty, idealism versus pragmatism, the responsibilities of powerful nations, the use of force to accomplish idealistic goals, the idea of America. Understanding the debate over the League and the consequences of its ultimate failure provides insight into international affairs in the years since the end of the Great War and beyond.

In this lesson, students read the words and listen to the voices of some central participants in the debate over the League of Nations.

Note: This lesson may be taught either as a stand-alone lesson or as a sequel to the complementary EDSITEment lesson U.S. Entry into World War I: A Documentary Chronology.

Guiding Questions:

What was Woodrow Wilson's role in and vision for peace and the League of Nations after World War I?

What were the central issues in the debate in America over the League of Nations?

Learning Objectives

After completing the lessons in this unit, students will be able to:
  • Describe Wilson's concepts for peace and the League of Nations and efforts to foster American support for it.
  • Discuss the opposition to the League in the Senate.

Preparing to Teach this Curriculum Unit