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CSREES NRI Plant Genome-funded researchers map genes for pasta quality in durum wheat.

Genetic Traits of High-Quality Pasta

With funding from CSREES, researchers have identified the genetic factors in durum wheat that account for traits in the production of good quality pasta, such as color, firmness, and cooking loss.  Durum wheat is mainly used for pasta; U.S. varieties that meet the requirement for high-quality pasta receive premium prices in worldwide markets.

The work was done by The Wheat Applied Genomics Coordinated Agricultural Project, with researchers from the University of California, North Dakota State University, Argentina, and USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.  Work by this team to construct detailed genetic maps using molecular markers led to the precise location of chromosome regions affecting traits for pasta quality.

This research, published online in September 2008 in the journal Theoretical and Applied Genetics, provides valuable information for breeding programs and molecular markers useful to accelerate selection of adapted durum varieties with improved quality.

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Last Updated: 09/19/2008