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An analysis of China's health policy on HIV prevention and intervention: A multi-sectoral approach.

Wang M; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 2002 Jul 7-12; 14: abstract no. TuPeD4926.

USIP, Harvard University, MPH, Philadelphia, United States

ISSUES: The rate of HIV infection in China has reached an epidemic level. This project offers a policy analysis of the HIV issue in China. DESCRIPTION: This project applies a multisectoral approach to analyzing the health policies in China based on the HIV prevention and intervention programs in Yunan Province. Our policy analysis results in the following findings:1.human rights: the government should generate policies that protect the various rights of the stigmatized populations.2.pharmaceutical access in the WTO framework: the government should engage in negotiations with foreign pharmaceutical companies to obtain anti-retroviral-related medications at a cost affordable to the infected populations. 3.the HIV prevention and intervention education: the government should emphasize HIV prevention and intervention in all educational levels. 4. community awareness and community care: the government should regularly engage in information campaigns to arouse the community's awareness of HIV-related issues.5. international coordination:The government should establish a framework of collaboration with such international agencies as WHO, World Bank, UNAIDS, UNICEFF, and the CDC of the US, and NGOS, such as the RED CROSS.6.The government should engage in an overall assessment of its existing resources, program efficiencies, and policy objectives at the local as well as the central government level. 7. legal mandates:The government needs to integrate its policy objectives within the legal framework, especially in drug use, prostitution, and selling blood due to poverty.8.The government should encourage biomedical research that leads to the invention of new cures to HIV. Lessons. The case of China is challengning. 1.The government needs to apply a multi-sectoral approach.2.The international, multi-sector, multi-agency collaboration is in urgent order.3.HIV prevention and intervention is communal. The policy objectives have to be trickled down to the community.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • China
  • Demography
  • Disease Outbreaks
  • Evaluation Studies
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Health Policy
  • Human Rights
  • Humans
  • Organizations
  • Prostitution
  • Public Policy
  • Research
  • methods
  • prevention & control
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0020631
UI: 102259697

From Meeting Abstracts

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