U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Statement of Ted Stevens
Hearing: The Digital Television Transition: Government and Industry Perspectives
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thank you very much Mr. Chairman. We welcome our witnesses and I thank you for holding this very important hearing.  The Digital Transition bill will be a very positive milestone for this country.  Up our way, we call them mile post so we can see them in the wintertime.  But as this mile post of February 17th, 2009 approaches, it’s critical that Congress maintains an active oversight role to ensure the consumers are properly educated about this transition and know how to avail themselves of the converter boxes under the program.  This transition will reap important benefits for all Americans, especially with respect to public safety because public safety, well as you said, received much of the needed spectrum.  The 24 Megahertz Act initially proceeds from the auction of the remaining spectrum, will be vital to various programs, such as $1 billion dollars for interoperability grants, $1.5 billion for the converter box program, and over $7 billion for deficit  reduction, and if it is still there $43. 5 million for 911.  This hearing, I hope, will focus on how the governed industry can work together, to educate the public about the transition.  The announcement, first, from the cable industry and now from the broadcasters regarding their education outreach program is very positive news, I think.  I am also encouraged to hear that NTIA has been moving along with an aggressive schedule to administer the converter box program.  It’s my understanding that two models of these converter boxes have already been certified as eligible to participate in that program.  And we look forward to hearing how the witnesses will work together to ensure these converter boxes make their way to all who will need them, especially vulnerable consumers like senior citizens and people in remote areas.  I assure you that none are more remote than my Alaska villages, so we’re hopeful you will comment upon that.  Thank you very much

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Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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