Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF532.101 Scope.
TEXT PDF532.103 Coverage.
TEXT PDF532.105 Pay-fixing authority.
TEXT PDF532.201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF532.203 Structure of regular wage schedules.
TEXT PDF532.205 The use of Federal, State, and local minimum wage requirements in determining prevailing rates.
TEXT PDF532.207 Time schedule for wage surveys.
TEXT PDF532.209 Lead agency.
TEXT PDF532.211 Criteria for establishing appropriated fund wage areas.
TEXT PDF532.213 Industries included in regular appropriated fund wage surveys.
TEXT PDF532.215 Establishments included in regular appropriated fund surveys.
TEXT PDF532.217 Appropriated fund survey jobs.
TEXT PDF532.219 Criteria for establishing nonappropriated fund wage areas.
TEXT PDF532.221 Industries included in regular nonappropriated fund surveys.
TEXT PDF532.223 Establishments included in regular nonappropriated fund surveys.
TEXT PDF532.225 Nonappropriated fund survey jobs.
TEXT PDF532.227 Agency wage committee.
TEXT PDF532.229 Local wage survey committee.
TEXT PDF532.231 Responsibilities of participating organizations.
TEXT PDF532.233 Preparation for full-scale wage surveys.
TEXT PDF532.235 Conduct of full-scale wage survey.
TEXT PDF532.237 Review by the local wage survey committee.
TEXT PDF532.239 Review by the lead agency.
TEXT PDF532.241 Analysis of usable wage survey data.
TEXT PDF532.243 Consultation with the agency wage committee.
TEXT PDF532.245 Selection of payline and issuance of wage schedules.
TEXT PDF532.247 Wage change surveys.
TEXT PDF532.249 Minimum rates for hard-to-fill positions.
TEXT PDF532.251 Special rates.
TEXT PDF532.253 Special rates or rate ranges for leader, supervisory, and production facilitating positions.
TEXT PDF532.254 Special schedules.
TEXT PDF532.255 Regular appropriated fund wage schedules in foreign areas.
TEXT PDF532.257 Regular nonappropriated fund wage schedules in foreign areas.
TEXT PDF532.259 Special appropriated fund wage schedules for U.S. insular areas.
TEXT PDF532.261 Special wage schedules for leader and supervisory schedules for leader and supervisory wage employees in the Puerto Rico wage area.
TEXT PDF532.263 Special wage schedules for production facilitating positions.
TEXT PDF532.265 Special wage schedules for apprentices and shop trainees.
TEXT PDF532.267 Special wage schedules for aircraft, electronic, and optical instrument overhaul and repair positions in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF532.269 Special wage schedules for Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army navigation lock and dam employees.
TEXT PDF532.271 Special wage schedules for National Park Service positions in overlap areas.
TEXT PDF532.273 Special wage schedules for United States Information Agency Radio Antenna Rigger positions.
TEXT PDF532.275 Special wage schedules for ship surveyors in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF532.277 Special wage schedules for U.S. Navy positions in Bridgeport, California.
TEXT PDF532.279 Special wage schedules for printing positions.
TEXT PDF532.281 Special wage schedules for divers and tenders.
TEXT PDF532.283 Special wage schedules for nonappropriated fund tipped employees classified as waiter/waitress.
TEXT PDF532.285 Special wage schedules for supervisors of negotiated rate Bureau of Reclamation employees.
TEXT PDF532.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF532.303 Specialized industry.
TEXT PDF532.305 Dominant industry.
TEXT PDF532.307 Determinating whether a dominant industry exists in a wage area.
TEXT PDF532.309 Determining adequacy of specialized private industry.
TEXT PDF532.311 Survey of specialized private industry related to a dominant industry.
TEXT PDF532.313 Private sector industries.
TEXT PDF532.315 Additional survey jobs.
TEXT PDF532.317 Use of data from the nearest similar area.
TEXT PDF532.401 Definitions.
TEXT PDF532.403 New appointments.
TEXT PDF532.405 Use of highest previous rate.
TEXT PDF532.407 Promotion.
TEXT PDF532.409 Grading or regrading of positions.
TEXT PDF532.411 Details.
TEXT PDF532.413 Simultaneous action.
TEXT PDF532.415 Application of new or revised wage schedules.
TEXT PDF532.417 Within-grade increases.
TEXT PDF532.419 Grade and pay retention.
TEXT PDF532.501 Definitions.
TEXT PDF532.503 Overtime pay.
TEXT PDF532.504 Compensatory time off.
TEXT PDF532.505 Night shift differentials.
TEXT PDF532.507 Pay for holiday work.
TEXT PDF532.509 Pay for Sunday work.
TEXT PDF532.511 Environmental differentials.
TEXT PDF532.513 Flexible and compressed work schedules.
TEXT PDF532.601 General.
TEXT PDF532.701 General.
TEXT PDF532.703 Agency review.
TEXT PDF532.705 Appeal to the Office of Personnel Management.
TEXT PDF532.707 Availability of information.
TEXT PDF532.801 Payment of unrestricted rates for recruitment or retention purposes.

