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Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Abiotrophia adjecens and Abiotrophia defectiva.

TUOHY M, PROCOP GW, WASHINGTON J; Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

Abstr Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1999 Sep 26-29; 39: 271 (abstract no. 2277).

The Cleveland Clin. Fndn., Cleveland, OH.

Prior studies of the susceptibility of Abiotrophia spp. have shown them to be highly susceptible to most antimicrobial agents. With the increasing penicillin resistance of viridans streptococci, it seemed timely to reexamine the susceptibility of Abiotrophia. A total of 27 A. adjacens and 13 A. defectiva isolates were tested in pyridoxal supplemented Mueller-Hinton broth with lysed horse blood. Applying the NCCLS interpretative criteria appropriate to viridans streptococci, the susceptibilities of A. adjacens and A. defectiva were, respectively: penicillin (

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Amoxicillin
  • Cefazolin
  • Ceftriaxone
  • Clindamycin
  • Gentamicins
  • Ofloxacin
  • Penicillin Resistance
  • Penicillins
  • Streptococcus
  • Thienamycins
  • Vancomycin
  • Virginiamycin
  • Viridans Streptococci
  • dalfopristin
  • meropenem
  • quinupristin
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0007799
UI: 102245296

From Meeting Abstracts

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