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ARS 50th Anniversary "Powerful Partnerships" Video Presentation

The "Powerful Partnerships" video commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and its partnership with CSREES and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. ARS has a long history of successful scientific collaboration with the nation's state universities, land-grant colleges and historically black universities. These powerful partnerships have produced many of the research accomplishments that contribute to a plentiful and affordable supply of food and fiber, produced in agriculture systems that nurture our natural resources. This video was produced by ARS to honor those partnerships, and to renew ARS' commitments to serve the public through strengthened partnerships with their affiliates.

ARS 50th anniversary "Powerful Partnerships" video presentation (12 minutes, 41 seconds)

This video requires Windows Media Player.

Last Updated: 07/16/2007