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Frequently Asked Questions
Foreign Exchange Rates

Where can I find exchange rates for foreign currencies?

Where can I find historical foreign exchange rates?

Which countries have adopted the euro?

Where can I obtain or exchange foreign currency?

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Where can I find exchange rates for foreign currencies?

The Federal Reserve Board's daily H.10 statistical release and the monthly G.5 release list foreign exchange rates.

Where can I find historical foreign exchange rates?

Historical exchange rates, generally from 1971 to the present, can be found in the Board's H.10 release.

Which countries have adopted the euro?

The following countries have adopted the euro: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain.

Where can I obtain or exchange foreign currency?

You can obtain or exchange foreign currency from foreign exchange dealers, or from large commercial banks that offer this service. Check your yellow pages under Foreign Exchange Brokers or conduct an Internet search. Federal Reserve Banks do not offer this service.