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The Medal of Honor is the highest distinction that can be bestowed upon a member of the Armed Forces.

February 16, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last night the Senate passed a resolution establishing March 25, 2007, as the National Medal of Honor Day. Senators Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) and Larry Craig (R-ID) introduced the resolution, S.Con Res. 12, and it passed by unanimous consent.

Twelve other member signed on as original sponsors of this important resolution: Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), Senator John Kerry (D-MA), Senator John Warner (R-VA), Senator Byron Dorgan (D-SD), Senator John Ensign (R-NV) Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), Senator Sherrod Brown(D-OH),Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO).

"I am very pleased to have been a part of the establishment of the National Medal of Honor Day. There are only 111 living recipients of this medal, three of whom are from Hawaii. All of the three are veterans of the United States Army. They are: Barney F. Hajiro, of Maui, Shizuya Hayashi, of Oahu, and my esteemed colleague and dear friend, Senator Daniel K. Inouye," said Senator Akaka.

The Medal of Honor is the highest distinction that can be bestowed upon a member of the Armed Forces. It is awarded by the President, in the name of Congress, to members of the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves conspicuously with valor and gallantry above and beyond the call of duty. The date of March 25, 2007, was chosen since it coincides with the first awarding of the Medal on March 25, 1863. Since the Civil War, 3,443 medals have been awarded.


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February 2007

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