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HIV intervention on the highways.

Samuel T; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1993 Jun 6-11; 9: 904 (abstract no. PO-D23-4118).

ISSUE: Inter-state truck drivers are at high risk for both receiving and transmitting HIV. infection. And intervention programme that would council, follow up and provide support service was most likely to help change behaviours. DESCRIPTION: A survey among drivers and leaners in Vallioor city revealed high levels of STDs, of condoms. AIDS awareness was medium to high, but not seen as a personal concern. Free supply of condoms and STD outreach were identified as key areas of intervention, along with information dissemination. A health education booth was set up at the check-post. RESULTS: Many truck drivers from other towns step by to pick up condoms and health education materials. Presently it serves as an STD counselling and referral centre. Awareness of STD transmission among the men has grown significantly. On-site diagnosis and treatment to begin this month. In general cooperation among the drivers has been very high. LESSONS LEARNED: 1. Peer leaders need to be motivated first so that they get the drivers so the interested. 2. Lorry drivers place a high value on anonymity, as they are stigmatized as having more extramarital sexual relations than other men. Health messages need to not reinforce these negative value judgements by appearing to target a particular group. 3. Drivers will be much more receptive to STD/health information in their own concerns area.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Ambulatory Care Facilities
  • Behavior
  • Condoms
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Health Education
  • Health Services Needs and Demand
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Peer Group
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • methods
Other ID:
  • 93338038
UI: 102207418

From Meeting Abstracts

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