1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965
P.L. 105-244




(a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall award one or more endowment grants described in section 814(b) pursuant to an agreement between the Secretary and a national organization. Such agreement shall--

(1) require a national organization to establish an endowment fund in the amount of the grant, the corpus of which shall remain intact and the interest income from which shall be used to support the activities described in paragraphs (2) and (3);

(2) require a national organization to use 70 percent of the interest income from the endowment fund in any fiscal year to support the establishment or ongoing work of regional, State or community program centers to enable such centers to work with local communities to establish local entities in high poverty areas and provide ongoing technical assistance, training workshops, and other activities to help ensure the ongoing success of the local entities;

(3) require a national organization to use 30 percent of the interest income from the endowment fund in any fiscal year to provide scholarships for postsecondary education to students from low-income families, which scholarships shall be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis from funds raised by the local entities;

(4) require that at least 50 percent of all the interest income from the endowment be allocated to establish new local entities or support regional, State or community program centers in high poverty areas;

(5) require a national organization to submit, for each fiscal year in which such organization uses the interest from the endowment fund, a report to the Secretary that contains--

(A) a description of the programs and activities supported by the interest on the endowment fund;

(B) the audited financial statement of the national organization for the preceding fiscal year;

(C) a plan for the programs and activities to be supported by the interest on the endowment fund as the Secretary may require;

(D) an evaluation of the programs and activities supported by the interest on the endowment fund as the Secretary may require; and

(E) data indicating the number of students from low-income families who receive scholarships from local entities, and the amounts of such scholarships;

(6) contain such assurances as the Secretary may require with respect to the management and operation of the endowment fund; and

(7) contain an assurance that if the Secretary determines that such organization is not in substantial compliance with the provisions of this part, then the national organization shall pay to the Secretary an amount equal to the corpus of the endowment fund plus any accrued interest on such fund that is available to the national organization on the date of such determination.

(b) RETURNED FUNDS- All funds returned to the Secretary pursuant to subsection (a)(7) shall be available to the Secretary to carry out any scholarship or grant program assisted under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.).

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Last Modified: 09/26/2003