A-76 Post Competition Accountability Training

The Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) has produced a series of interactive online training modules for understanding how to manage a service provider awarded through the competitive sourcing process. This training, entitled "A-76 Post-Competition Accountability," explains the steps a federal government Agency must take to successfully implement the results of a competition between a government entity and private sector vendors.

The training illustrates best practices and lessons learned across the federal government, and it provides an educational tool for stakeholders after an award is made following an A-76 competition. In this training you will see and hear Agency practitioners share their experiences and strategies for transitioning to new providers and administering the work that those providers have been selected to perform.

OMB Policy Letter - Validating the Results of Public-Private Competition (PDF 48KB)

The training modules cover the following areas:

Chapter 1: A-76 Basics
Chapter 2: Next Steps after Award Selection
Chapter 3: Transition to the Award Winner
Chapter 4: Post-Competition Accountability
Chapter 5: Option Year Performance and Follow-on Competition
Chapter 6: Terminations and Contests
Chapter 7: Lessons Learned and Additional Guidance
Chapter 8: Best Practices Case Study: D-CAMIS

Who should take the training?
Acquisition professionals who are responsible for managing a Letter of Obligation or contract awarded from an A-76 Competition.

Take the A-76 Post Competition Accountability Training at https://learn.dau.mil/html/clc/Clc.jsp (course name FAC030) where you have the option to take this course for credit or just browse its contents.

If you choose to take this class for credit, you will be directed to register through the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS). Once you have logged into FAITAS, please select "Apply for Training" from the left side of the screen. Then, under Step 1, please select "Continuous Learning Modules" as the Training Category. Under Step 2, please select "FAC 030" as the Course.

Read more information on registering for courses through FAITAS.

Length: 75 minutes

CLPs: 1.5