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EF/EMCI Logo Query Form User's Guide

The Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator (EMCI) is used to locate valid accurate identifiers for a chemical substance to determine which program office systems contain data for that substance and to link related chemical substances together based on chemical characteristics, and to obtain environmental data (e.g., discharges or releases) for the substance across program office systems.

This is a brief user's guide to the EMCI Query Form. Contact Us for additional queries or suggestions that you would find useful.

Chemical Selection Search Option

Search the Envirofacts database for records containing references to specific chemical names or specific Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Numbers.

Chemical Name

Enter a complete chemical name or name fragment. When entering more than one name fragment, leave a space between fragments. If you enter more than one name fragment, the "Containing" radio button has to be selected. The fragments are implicitly joined by "AND," requiring that all fragments in the search list be present in the name. For example, "FLUOR," "CHLOR," and "ETH" will retrieve all ethanes (and methanes) that have both fluor- and chlor- substituents. Substances will not be retrieved if all three fragments are not present. Abbreviate name fragments for more comprehensive retrieval. For example, "BROMO" and "BIPHENYL" will not retrieve substances that are stored as "BROMINATED BIPHENYL." The fragment "BROM" provides more comprehensive retrieval than "BROMO" for this query.

Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number (CASRN)

Enter the complete or partial CASRN. Keep partial entries to a minimum of three digits, otherwise the search will be too large. Enter the CASRN with or without dashes.

EMCI Query Output

The report output is organized by CAS number, with basic chemical information listed in tabular format. Users can retrieve Group or Component information for any specific chemical record. To do so, mark the radio button in the left hand column, select either the "Group" or "Component" button at the top of the results table, and click on the "Submit" button.

Basic Chemical Information

Component Option

Group Option

Usage Constraints

Queries that return a large volume of data may terminate prematurely due to system limitations. The constraints established for the enviro user account (the query uses this to connect to the ORACLE database) are:

Develop queries that return small batches of data and terminate the session as soon as the queries have been executed, so that others can access the database.

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