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Here is Volume 6, Number 14 of eNEWS.
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An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews July 13, 2007 Volume VI, Number 14

Focus on Freedom

As I watched the Fourth of July celebrations across the State, I was reminded of how much we prize our independence. My own Senate Mission Statement includes personal pledges to work for freedom and liberty. With Congress currently debating the Department of Defense Authorization Bill, the bill that funds the armed forces that help keep us free, and on the heels of Independence Day, I wanted to give you a status report on the ongoing fight for freedom.

The Senate recessed for the Fourth of July after the Democratic leadership forced a vote on denying workers the freedom to vote in secret about the organization of a union. That's right—they attempted to pass legislation that would have allowed employers and union representatives to monitor and record how each employee voted for union membership. I was proud to stand with the vast majority of workers in opposing this bill, which was ultimately defeated.

Democrats in Congress now propose to deny our freedom of expression by reviving an artifact of the Red Scare, the so-called "Fairness Doctrine." Bitter over the success of conservative radio, they hope to use government censors to force radio stations and other media outlets to give equal time to opposing views.

The fight for freedom doesn't stop with our civil liberties. Democrats hope to curtail our economic freedoms by raising taxes—including a tax on death itself. I aim to free us from the complication and unnecessary burdens of our tax system with a flat tax.

Finally, the fight for freedom in Iraq goes on—and frames the debate over the Department of Defense Authorization bill. As Abraham Lincoln once wrote, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves". As we await the results of the surge in Iraq, I maintain that success is possible. In the meantime, I will not deny the Iraqis their chance at freedom—though I cannot force them to embrace it.

the Iraq debate in my Defense Floor Journal.
my video about the Flat Tax.
my editorial about the Fairness Doctrine.
with your views on freedom, liberty or other issues.

How many times per year do you recreate on public lands in Idaho?

A) Zero
B) Less than 5
C) Five to 10
D) More than 10

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On June 21, subscribers were asked:

To decrease our current 60% dependence on foreign oil, do we need to:

A) Conserve more    [14%, 108 votes]

B) Produce more biofuels    [8%, 61 votes]

C) Produce more oil in the U.S.    [23%, 178 votes]

D) Do all three    [55%, 426 votes]

Open a window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the most recent update:

Senate in tug-of-war over troops in Iraq. Foreign investments to be reviewed by intelligence agencies. More safeguards around freedom of speech. Simplifying the tax code.

The Washington Report, 07/12/2007
[Streaming RealMedia]

More jobs and a lower tax burden sounds like a pretty good deal for working families across Idaho and the nation.

- Building Toward Zero
an editorial by
Senator Larry Craig

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Committee Says 'GO' to Idaho Transportation Projects -7/12/07
Additional Funding Coming to Assist Idaho Potatoes -7/9/07
All is Fair in Love and War -7/5/07
Senate Approves Committee on Foreign Investment Reform Bill -6/29/07
Craig Calls Free Speech Only Fair Doctrine -6/29/07
Committee Approves OCS Energy Inventory -6/28/07
Craig: Immigration Reform Needed -6/28/07

Current Event

4th of July Parade

I spent the entire week of the Fourth of July in Idaho, attending events and taking part in celebrations of independence. Event Details

Economic Freedom Index: How Free Are We?

The Heritage Foundation, a Washington based think tank, and the Wall Street Journal compile an annual Index of Economic Freedom. The ranking is based on criteria such as trade freedom, property rights, freedom from corruption and labor freedom.

This year, the United States stands at number 4—behind Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. Our highest ranking was in Business Freedom, while our lowest was in Freedom from Government.

Although lists like these are not necessarily definitive, when I see the United States with a low ranking in something like freedom from government interference, it just helps drive home the points made by small businesses, and entrepreneurs across the state: we need less government, not more. That is one reason I teamed up with the Center for the New West to host a luncheon in Washington, D.C. to discuss telecommunications policy, and how to keep it free from unnecessary government intrusion.

For more information about the Center for the New West and its mission, visit http://www.centerfornewwest.org.

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