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Here is Volume 7, Number 02 of eNEWS.
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An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews January 25, 2008 Volume VII, Number 2

Hello, 2008

Although 2008 will be my last year in office, I don't plan to coast to my retirement. I will continue to work as hard for Idaho this coming year as I have since the day I arrived in Congress.

Much has changed in our government since then, but my desire to work for conservative principles has not. In fact, just this week I met with other Republican leaders to plan our legislative strategy for 2008.

My own legislative goals for 2008 are clear cut. As I have been doing for years, I will fight this year to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. My spot on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee also ensures that I will be able to continue to safeguard the future of the Idaho National Lab and its ongoing nuclear energy mission.

From my position on the Veterans Affairs Committee, I can see through the work I've helped begin on behalf of Idaho's veterans—improving their access to health care and making sure they receive the benefits they deserve.

Economic policy will be a focus of the upcoming election season, and I pledge to work to rein in wasteful spending, keep our taxes low, and stave off a recession. I have been in Congress for 28 years and have never voted to increase taxes. I won�t start now.

I will also work to enact federal policies to secure our borders, promote beneficial trade agreements, keep Idaho agriculture strong and growing, reform our nation's mining laws and protect Idaho's water rights. It is shaping up to be an exciting political season, and I'm hoping to make it an effective legislative season as well.

my key priorities for Idaho, the West and the nation
about the potato's year in the spotlight
me in my Senate office on these upcoming dates
with your views on last year's session or on any other topics

How will you use most of the money you receive from the economic stimulus package?

A) Reduce your debt

B) Go on vacation

C) Pay bills

D) Miscellaneous purchases

E) Place it in an investment or savings account

F) Other

You may prefer to open the online eVIEWS ballot directly in your browser:

On January 11, subscribers were asked:
If the Presidential election were held today, for whom would you vote?

candidates votes percent
Mitt Romney 176 20%
John McCain 120 13%
Hillary Rodham Clinton 114 12%
Mike Huckabee 108 11%
Barack Obama 105 11%
Fred Thompson 103 11%
Ron Paul 89 9%
John Edwards 51 5%
Rudy Giuliani 30 3%
Duncan Hunter 18 2%
Alan Keyes 17 2%
Dennis Kucinich 14 1%
Mike Gravel 4 1%

Open a window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the most recent update:

Setting the groundwork to prevent wildfires that ravaged huge portions of Western states in 2007.

The Washington Report
[Streaming RealMedia]

Although a good website may seem like a luxury for some members of Congress, in Idaho, it is a necessity.

- A Sterling Three-peat
Senator Larry Craig

Current Event

Wildfire Summit

Western wildfires have burned millions of acres over the past few years. I hosted a Wildfire Summit in Boise to find out what we can do to improve our fire policy.
Event Details

Mining Reform Hearing

This week the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, on which I am a member, held a hearing on reforming the 1872 General Mining Act. We can all agree that the 1872 General Mining Act needs an overhaul to reflect the realities of today. However, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would serve to strangle the U.S. mining industry, instead of change it. I will use my position on the Committee to work with my colleagues to make sure an honorable profession remains viable in the United States, because one thing isn't changing anytime soon—if it can't be grown, it has to be mined.

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