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Here is Volume 6, Number 5 of eNEWS.
To open a different issue, please select it from the archive following this issue.

An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews March 8, 2007 Volume VI, Number 5

veterans with
healthcare choice

As debate swirls around Washington regarding the care provided to injured soldiers and veterans, I find myself right in the middle of the debate as the senior Republican on the Veterans' Affairs Committee.

The VA provides some of the best health care in America. And the overwhelming majority of veterans are pleased with their care. That being said, I realize some are not satisfied for various reasons. So, I am proposing that we empower veterans with service-connected disabilities by allowing them to choose their healthcare provider—either the VA or another local doctor. Empowering veterans to vote with their feet, rather than asking a commission or convening a task force, is the real way to know whether we provide the best care we can to those who served our country.

The VA won't fear the extra competition because the best thrive on it. The VA is the best, and they know they will be chosen. In the end this will serve our veterans well.

The video of my floor speech on Veterans health care
To the press conference on my new Veterans health care proposal
My Veterans Link Issue Brief
with your views on this topic by sending me an email message

Should the U.S. government continue to inject itself into agricultural markets in the name of protecting American farmers or should we allow market forces to work?

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On February 22, subscribers were asked:

Does Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" deserve an Academy Award?

A) Yes, it did deserve an award    [36%, 299 votes]
B) No, it did not deserve an award    [64%, 522 votes]

Open a Window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the current installment:

Senate focuses attention on 9/11 legislation to improve homeland security. Senator Craig introduces bill to extend payments to timber-dependent counties.

The Washington Report, 03/08/2007
[Streaming RealMedia, 3:08]

Medicare Part D has been more successful than anticipated, in large part, because it harnesses the competitive nature of the free market.

- "A Little Truth,
a Lot of Clarity,"

an editorial by Larry Craig

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Senate and House Sponsors Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Farmers Against Misuse of Superfund Law -3/8/07
Historic New Approach to VA Healthcare Introduced -3/8/07
Craig Says VA Healthcare Should not be Tarred with the Problems at Walter Reed -3/7/07
Craig Introduces One-Year Extension of County Payments Law -3/7/07
Craig Announces Salmon to Offer New Mental Health Services for Veterans -3/6/07
Craig Announces New Medical Facility for Veterans in Caldwell -3/6/07
Craig Says Canadians Violate Lumber Agreement -3/2/07

Current Event

March 7, 2007

The US Senate Youth Program, established in 1962, brings two student leaders from each state to Washington, DC, where they get to experience their national government in action. Read more about this current event, and meet the Idaho winners.

Sundance Film Festival Controversy

Many of you have contacted me with concerns about taxpayer dollars being used to support objectionable and vulgar films at the Sundance Film Festival this past January. I share your concern. As a result, I wrote a letter to PBS asking that they demonstrate greater accountability and discretion when supporting such events and that they assure me they will be more conscientious with taxpayer money in the future.

Despite rumors to the contrary, the National Endowment for the Arts did not support the Sundance Film Festival in any way.

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