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Here is Volume 6, Number 3 of eNEWS.
To open a different issue, please select it from the archive following this issue.

An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews February 8, 2007 Volume VI, Number 3

Surge to Success

It is no secret that I am concerned about the situation in Iraq. My anxiety matches that of the citizens of Idaho, and like many of you, I have taken a much more critical look at the way the war has been handled. But one of my greatest fears is the future of Iraq and the stability of the Middle East, and that requires us to maintain a long-term perspective.

It's important to remember that the U.S. has maintained a presence in the Middle East since World War II, and that many of these countries depend and rely on our presence, both economically and for their own national security. Pulling our troops out now, as some are suggesting, will have long-lasting consequences on the war on terror, could lead to genocide in Iraq and neighboring countries, and would have severe economic consequences in the Middle East that will leave the entire region in chaos. Clearly, such circumstances would mandate international forces be sent back into Iraq at a much higher cost.

That's why I believe we need to support President Bush and give his new strategy a chance to succeed. The safety and stability of the Middle East, as well as our own, is at stake.
my Senate floor speech about the War in Iraq
to my discussion about Iraq on my January Podchat program
my Securing Freedom issue briefing for further details
with your views on this topic by sending me an email message

Do you think Congress can bring the federal budget under control as the system stands now or do you think fundamental reform is needed?

A) Yes, the current system will work
B) No, fundamenal reform is needed

Subscribers are invited to access the online ballot from the emailed version of eNEWS.

On January 26, subscribers were asked:
Would you prefer that you or your employer made decisions about your health insurance coverage?

A) You
B) Your employer

Open a Window on Washington

My biweekly video digest features highlights of recent legislative activities with insights into what lies ahead on the agenda.

In the current installment:

The War in Iraq, Minimum wage, and Funding our government

The Washington Report, 02/8/2007
[Streaming RealMedia, 4:34]

Our troops are now caught in a political tug-of-war. Senator Reid's playing political games with the lives of our troops. I will not leave them stranded and demoralized
like that.

- "Surge to Success,"
an editorial by Larry Craig

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Idaho Judge Now One Step Away from 9th U.S. Circuit Court -2/8/07
Another Strong VA Budget Gets Senator Craig's Praise -2/5/07
Battling for Balance -2/2/07
Craig Discusses Part D Successes, Problems -1/31/07
Idaho Leaders Respond to Wolf Delisting -1/29/07
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims on Record Setting Pace -1/26/07
New Congress, New Beginning -1/25/07

February 7, 2007:

Veterans Group Honors Aide

You are invited

Each Tuesday that the Senate is in session, I invite all Idahoans who happen to be in our nation's capital to join me for coffee in my office. It's a great opportunity to visit informally about what's going on back home, or what issues most concern you--the folks I represent. If you plan to be in Washington, DC, I certainly hope you will stop by.

Before visiting our nation's capital, be sure to visit my website for information about congressional tours of historic sites and for a schedule of upcoming Capital Coffees. Requests for tours may be submitted online. If you have questions or would prefer to discuss what options are available, please visit or contact a member of my staff in the regional office nearest you.
Contact numbers may be found on my website at http://craig.senate.gov/offices.

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