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Here is Volume 7, Number 12 of eNEWS.
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An update on issues important to
Idaho, the West, and our Nation
from U.S. Senator Larry Craig

craig.senate.gov/ enews June 27, 2008 Volume VII, Number 12

Gun Rights

It was an historic week on Capitol Hill when the nation's highest court delivered its first-ever decision on the core meaning of the Second Amendment, striking down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban.

Anti-gun advocates have long argued that because the Second Amendment refers to a militia, the Second Amendment should be interpreted as a "collective" right for the states to arm militiamen, like the National Guard. But the Court reaffirmed what freedom-loving Americans have long held fundamental--that the God-given right to defend themselves, their homes, and their families includes the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Having fought for a generation in the front lines of the federal legislative battles over the right to keep and bear arms, I have to admit that the Supreme Court's ruling was a particularly joyous one for me. That being said, nobody should imagine this decision puts an end to all controversies over the Second Amendment. There will be lawsuits aimed at testing the lines drawn by the Supreme Court. Those who cherish our freedoms must remain vigilant in following developments and safeguarding these critical interests.
to my remarks about the Supreme Court's decision
my editorial on what this means for Americans
about gun rights in my Second Amendment issue briefing
your views on issues important to you

Do you agree with the Supreme Court's decision that the Second Amendment protects a person's right to own handguns?

a) Yes
b) No

You may prefer to open the online eVIEWS ballot directly in your browser:

On June 13, subscribers were asked:
According to the 2008 Medicare Trustees report, Medicare will be bankrupt by the year 2019. What should be done?

a) nothing, let it go bankrupt    [15%, 60 votes]
b) increase premiums for everyone    [7%, 27 votes]
c) increase premiums on a sliding scale based on income    [47%, 190 votes]
d) raise the minimum age required for coverage    [7%, 27 votes]
e) government bailout to cover all costs    [24%, 95 votes]

Washington Report

Farm Bill is a reality. Senators propose energy measures. U.S. Supreme Court upholds individual rights to gun ownership.

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If we manage our forests better to reduce the severity of the fire season, it would be the same as removing millions of cars from our highways.

-Craig Chastises Congress,
June 18, 2008

More news from the U.S. Senate:

Craig Urges Senate to 'Get Serious' on Medicare Physician Pay Legislation -06-27-08
Craig Secures Additional $3 Million For 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games In Idaho -06-26-08
Craig Joins Senate Republicans in Introducing 'Gas Price Reduction Act' -06-26-08
Craig on Supreme Court Second Amendment Ruling: 'Historic Day for All Americans Who Cherish Rights as Citizens Under the Constitution' -06-26-08
Craig Seeks Extension of County Payments Program -06-25-08
Craig Congratulates Idaho Congressional Award Recipients -06-19-08
Craig Committee Approves More Than $750,000 For Idaho Law Enforcement Projects -06-19-08
Craig Says Consumers Have Every Reason To Be Angry With Congress Over Energy -06-19-08
Craig Chastises Congress For Waiting Until Forests Are Burning To Discuss Fire Prevention -06-18-08
Appropriations Subcommittee Approves Homeland Security Funding -06-18-08
217 Years Later, Americans Finally Get Their Second Amendment Rights -06-27-08

Welcome to Washington

This week I shared lunch with a group of Idaho students currently working as interns in my Washington, D.C. office. In addition to their work, these students are able to explore our nation's capital, something I encourage everyone to do.

Learn more about visiting Washington, D.C.

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